Maestría en Procesos y Expresión Gráfica en la Proyectación Arquitectónica-Urbana
Sistema Nacional de Posgrados - SECIHTI
Learning Unit Teacher Type Hours UAM* Hours IA** Total
Research Methodology in Architecture and Urbanism Dra. Adriana Inés Olivares González CW 24 24 48 3
Drawing in the History of Architecture Dr. Alfonso Rodríguez Pulido C 16 16 32 2
Architecture Drawing, Project Drawing Dr. Manuel Jesús Martín Hernández CW 24 24 48 3
Graphic Procedures in the Urban-Architectural Restoration Dr. Carlos Arturo Morales Ruvalcaba CW 16 16 32 2
Architectural Photogrammetry Mtro. Juan Pablo Corona Medina CW 24 24 48 3
The Historical Centers in the XXIst century Context Dra. María Teresa Pérez Bourzac CW 16 16 32 2
Research Workshop Dra. María Luisa García Yerena W 24 24 48 3
The Architectural Form’s Control Dr. Ernest Redondo Domínguez C 16 16 32 2
Graphic Analysis of Architecture Dr. Jorge Enrique Fregoso Torres C 16 16 32 2
History of Architectural Drawing Dr. Jesús Alberto Peredo Pozos C 16 16 32 2
Computer Systems applied to the Graphic Analysis of Architecture Dr. Fernando Córdova Canela CW 24 24 48 3
The New Computer Technologies for the Territorial Analysis and their application for the study of a Historical Center Dr. Óscar Gilberto Cárdenas Hernández CW 24 24 48 3
City, History and Modernity in Latin America Dr. Daniel González Romero C 16 16 32 2
The Graphic Operator in the Conception of the Architectural Idea Dr. José Ricardo Pérez Elorriaga CW 24 24 48 3
Research Seminar Dra. Verónica Livier Díaz Núñez W 24 24 48 3
Project Workshop Dra. Elizabeth Rivera Borrayo W 24 24 48 3
Thematic Seminar I   S 24 24 48 3
Thematic Seminar II   S 24 24 48 3
Thematic Seminar III   S 24 24 48 3
Thematic Seminar IV Variable S 24 24 48 3
Total     424 424 848 53


Learning Unit Teacher Type Hours UAM* Hours IA** Total
Evaluation Seminars I Mtro. Gabriel Torres Espinoza S 24 88 112 7
Evaluation Seminars II Dra. Silvia Arias Orozco S 24 88 112 7


Learning Unit Credits
Tesis 08


C= Course lessons

W= Workshop

S= Seminar

*Hours UAM: Under Academic Management activities.

**Hours IA: Independent Activities.

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