Maestría en Procesos y Expresión Gráfica en la Proyectación Arquitectónica-Urbana
Sistema Nacional de Posgrados - SECIHTI

The program’s curricular structure is made up of thematic courses and methodological orientation seminars-workshops. The seminars-workshops’ purpose is to guide the students’ research works in methodological terms. The theoretical courses usually take place on a Monday – Friday from 17:00 to 21:00 hrs schedule, having to attend in the case of workshops or practices, in the morning shift, in holidays or in the weekends, depending on the conditions.

Training Areas Credits   %
Obligatory Basic Common Training Area 53  70 
Obligatory Specialist Training Area* 22  30 
Number of credits to aim for the degree 75  100 

*The Obligatory Specialist Training Area comprises 2 evaluation seminars with a 7 credits value each one and the thesis with an 8 credits value.

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