
Postdoctoral course in Research and Scientific Production, in progress.

PhD in Technical Sciences from the José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute (ISPJAE) in Havana, Cuba.

Master's in Civil Engineering from the University of Los Andes, Bogotá, and Civil Engineer from La Salle University, Bogotá.

Professional experience mainly in conducting hydraulic studies for water supply projects, irrigation districts, road drainage, hydraulic structures, channels, complementary works, and sewerage projects for rainwater and wastewater. Flood studies for the design of hydraulic works.

Administrative aspects. University professor in areas related to water, surface and groundwater supply sources, fluid mechanics, channel hydraulics, pipe hydraulics, hydrology, aqueduct and sewerage systems, sanitation systems, hydraulic works, network operation and maintenance, among others. Director of several research projects on water, some of which were developed for the Research Office of the Francisco José de Caldas District University.

Speaker at various national and international events. Author of five books and more than twenty scientific articles. General Coordinator of the International Water and Environment Congresses.


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