Maestría en Procesos y Expresión Gráfica en la Proyectación Arquitectónica-Urbana
Sistema Nacional de Posgrados - CONAHCYT

Once the corresponding payment is made, the students’ participation will be evaluated through the following mechanics, whose appliance depends to the members of the Program’s Academic Council and Invited Professors: a) Introductory course; b) Interview; c) Curricular evaluation.

  • The Introductory course has a one-week duration in which, like a seminar, specific activities are developed, guided to qualify the following knowledge and aptitudes: general critical knowledge of the social, economic and politic reality if their surroundings; capacity of analysis and summary of specialized texts; capacity for the debate and reflection; capacity for the exposition of ideas and themes; interest and ability to write, logical thinking.
  • The interview realized by appointment, will be evaluated from a format in which in its first part contains key questions with specific score, which could be increased in some case that some of the members of the Academic Council considers pertinent. In this case the following aspects are evaluated: the candidate’s interest to take this Postgraduate Program, highlighting the study field and orientation; the candidate’s capacity and clarity to expose his/her achievements and personal goals; the attitude towards reading in the literary sphere as in the specific subject of his/her working field or interest area; the relationship between the interest area and the PP’s specific knowledge field.
  • The curricular evaluation is supported in the academic and professional curriculum’s revision of the documentation presented by the candidate, in which his/her professional and academic experience is evaluated, as well as the interest to upgrade his/her knowledge field.

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