Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT

The Program of the Doctorate in City, Territory and Sustainability has three lines of research that have been brought up to date for the Years starting with cycle 2017B: 

1.Theory and Conceptualization of Architecture and the City.

2.Territory, Mobility and Public Space.

3.Habitat, Territorial Planning and Sustainability.

The Doctorate program is developed through a system of classroom attendance with a focus on research, and a total of 15 Research Seminars are imparted with a score of 5 credits for each (Area of Specialized Training), and these are given in the following order: seven seminars during the first year (I to VII); seven seminars in the second year (VIII to XIV); and one seminar in the third year (XV), making 15 seminars in all with 75 credits; there are also two Annual Evaluation Seminars for 15 credits each (Evaluation of work on the Research Project) which brings the total to 105 credits; finally, for the Presentation and Defense of the Thesis the candidate can obtain up to 45 credits, making a total overall of 150 credits as required by the educational program.    


Areas of study

Credits %
Specialized training (Research Seminars)


Evaluation of Research Work (Annual Evaluation Seminars)


PhD Thesis



Minimum number of Credits for applying for the degree












 Of the fifteen seminars offered, four will be on specific themes and the contents will be designed to fit the Guidelines for the Generation and Application of Knowledge. At least four of these will have Part Time Visiting Professors, Visiting Tutors and/or Researchers of great prestige from National and International universities. The seminars on particular topics will be organized in the following way:


Seminar I: Methodology of Research. The seminar will cover topics related to various research methodologies and the updating of schemes to structure theoretical, methodological and contextual knowledge for the 21st century, with regard to research procedures; with the aim of placing the approaches and updates of the students’ research work.  

Seminar II: Theory and Conceptualization of Architecture and the City. The seminar covers topics concerned with explaining the relation between the conceptual and theoretical structures of the content, and the material and functional components that are involved in the construction of the city and architecture.  

Seminar IV: Habitat, Territorial Planning and Sustainability. The contents of the seminar will introduce the difficulties relating to the problem topic of interest, and give information about them, in the light of the current state of debate on the conflicts and conditions associated with territorial planning, habitat, and sustainability. It will also develop methods for the conceptual and institutional treatment of the phenomena and processes that mark the reality of the present context, seen in the use that is given to territories, and the consequences for the environment, and in the co-existence of human communities with the functional occupation of natural ecological surroundings, with regard to urban and regional planning, territorial planning and sustainability.     

Seminar VI: Territory, mobility and public space. This seminar covers the implications of factors and practices involved in the formation and functional organization of urban and territorial structures, linked to the social and productive process, mobility, and the existence of the phenomenon of proximity. It forms a part of the analysis of the urban fabric, and its structure in space, and the link between the schemes of relation between these two subjects in history, and the modernizing of cities, emphasizing the functional and typological analysis of public space.    

The dynamics of the other Research Seminars are as follows: the teacher or teachers will lecture on the area of knowledge they specialize in, and will undertake revisions of the progress made in their research projects by the students of the doctorate, with each student reporting to the class and receiving criticism from the class. Students should present their progress in a synthetic and concrete manner, as described in the Operations Manual. The teachers will make the relevant observations and fellow students will give their feedback by commenting on the work. The teacher responsible for any seminar will be able to invite national or international Visiting Professors to take part as well as other teachers registered in their LGAC.  

All the seminars will be held at the Huentitán Campus of the University Center for Art, Architecture and Design, at No. 5075 of the Northern Extreme of Calzada Independencia, in Salon 1 in the North Garden building. For all teaching activities in the program, such as seminars, courses, tutorials, annual evaluations, revisions, readings and defenses of theses, the use of virtual communications platforms will be allowed; such as: Meet, Zoom, Skype and others. The program allows for the possibility of organizing courses or any other form of teaching as required by the contents and orientation of the research projects of the PhD students.    

Evaluation Seminars: At the end of each of the first two years of the Program there will be a meeting to evaluate the research projects of the candidates, which will take the form of a Seminar at which the students are required to present the advances made in their research during the course of the year, to a jury of 5 members, 2 of whom are from outside the Program. To remain in the Program the student must have an overall general average of 80.




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